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Single Cell Partitioning That Is Gentle on Your Sample

Discover the SCOPE-chip® micro-well microfluidics system, designed for gentle single cell partitioning. Using gravity to guide cells into individual wells, SCOPE-chip ensures robust performance, even with sensitive or fragile cell types.

Technology Highlights

Our SCOPE-chip technology-based kits cover the entire single cell sample processing workflow—from tissue preparation, single-cell partitioning, and cell barcoding to nucleic acid amplification and library construction.


The patented SCOPE-chip® (Single Cell Omics Preparation Entity) technology is developed by Singleron in collaboration with Yale University.

Singleron has more than 80 patents and numerous patent applications. Our innovations span instrument and microfluidic system design, single cell amplification, library construction, and bioinformatic analysis algorithms.

How does the SCOPE-chip work?


SCOPE-chip loading: easy & instrument-free

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Contact us for a quote or assistance in planning your next experiment.

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