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– Discover the Diversity of Immune Receptors

The detection of T-cell or B-cell receptor gene expression, together with whole transcriptome expression at single-cell levelcan be enabled by GEXSCOPE® Single Cell V(D)J Kit.

Kit Highlights

Utilize the gentle and robust microfluidics system of the patented SCOPE chip technology for robust high throughput processing of even sensitive and rare cell types.

Immune Profiling

Streamlined Workflow

Immune Profiling

Demo Data

Immune Profiling

GEXSCOPE Single Cell V(D)J Kit has significant advantages compared to other methods due to the barcoded beads specifically designed to capture the V(D)J regions of the transcripts. This results in high number of reads mapped to the V(D)J gene, high immunoreceptor pairing rate, and high number of V(D)J transcript-specific UMIs detected per cell, rendering both high specificity and sensitivity.

Application Areas

Immune Profiling

Technical Specifications

Immune Profiling
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