AccuraCode® – The Shortcut to High-Throughput Transcriptomic Analysis
The AccuraCode® RNA Library Construction Kit combines accurate cell barcoding technology with bulk RNA-seq to generate RNAseq library of hundreds of samples in one tube, greatly accelerating the speed, efficiency, and reproducibility of transcriptome-based screening.
Kit Highlights

Demo Data
Consistent Results Across Several Replicates

Eight samples were processed in parallel and sequenced at 1M reads per sample to examine reproducibility of data output. Total genes (A) and UMI (B) were consistent among the eight replicates. Correlation of the overall gene expression patterns (C) between those eight replicates revealed high reproducibility among replicates.
Less steps – same efficieny

The number of genes detected by the AccuraCode® One-Step Method and a traditional two-step method was comparable across three cell lines studied. Using AccuraCode® Kit, the experimental time is considerably shorter while the results are consistent.
Thousands of compounds or perturbation conditions can be evaluated and comprehensive chemogenomics databases can be built at a fraction of the time and cost.
Streamlined and condensed plate-based workflow: from sample to library within one workday

Applications Areas
The high multiplexing and reproducibility of the AccuraCode protocol make it an effective tool for high-throughput drug screening.

Technical Specifications